We have all these new video conferencing systems and not a single one that can finish a call and then put a big “END TRANSMISSION” on the screen with some kind of friendly but subtly ominous logo

Well well well, if it isn’t a priceless working NEC Multisync II picked up at an estate sale for $20

At last my ancient Colortran Prestige 2000 Plus has eyes again!

Modern alternatives to oval:

  • Pill
  • Roundrect
  • Hexagon
  • Yellow triangle at odd angle
  • Purple gradient
  • Hover
  • Apple

Legit trying to think of a decent oval.

  • Ford logo: Bleh
  • Generic supermarket product labels in education filmstrips: Gag
  • Standardized test multiple-choice bubbles: What? fuck off
  • Frisbee, viewed at an angle: ACTUALLY A CIRCLE, DUMBASS
John Burwell aka deet shared 4 days ago
John Burwell aka deet shared 4 days ago

I mean it’s like, ew, this circle isn’t well

Honestly I’ve never trusted ovals

What I value converting in this space is consuming content in this space that speaks to this space and what’s being carved out in this space for creator bets in this space

It’s a go-forward value proposition play in this space

I’m glad we never got to find out whether all those nuclear missiles we had sitting around also had things like failing engines and helium leaks and weird sounds

Either we were much better at rockets back then, or we’ve actually been shit at it this whole time

And if I change “my” to “the”

It gets dirtier

I bit my cheek

Then I bit my tongue

Licking my cheek

Lookin at the news? Forget it, kid. Everyone looks at the news. The news can have whoever it wants, and it knows it. You don't have a chance

John Burwell aka deet shared a month ago

The first one to tip this post gets to go grocery shopping with me. You can pick out the gravy

Legit checking things off my grocery shopping list on my Newton MessagePad 120.

Which apparently Siri still knows how to automatically capitalize.

And, yes, reporting it via my pocket supercomputer

Area man searches for cookie, remembers having eaten it already

Which was the puckish, maniacal mythological Greek god who went around putting articles about Steely Dan in people’s feeds, forcing them to listen to Pretzel Logic

The economy, a system for converting the labor of non-owning users into the convenience of non-using owners