We have all these new video conferencing systems and not a single one that can finish a call and then put a big “END TRANSMISSION” on the screen with some kind of friendly but subtly ominous logo

The SFP module wasn’t broken, the switch wasn’t broken; I just needed to turn off auto-negotiate

Then the ZFS array wasn’t damaged; just the battery had run down while the system was in storage and the controller lost its config

I wonder what else I’m overthinking

Ha! Ha! I’m on

“Are you sure you want to quit?”

App, you have no idea

NAS2VHS: A VHS cassette enclosure for Raspberry Pi that allows a VHS player to stream video from your NAS

  • stationary magnetic heads sync with VHS flying head for playback and recording
  • encoders detect transport operations and signal equivalent controls to playback software
  • WiFi for access to your network shares
  • Onboard battery rechargeable by “rewinding” or via USB-C
  • Downscales video streams to VHS resolution
  • Records to video files

Google: “Timeline is changing! Update your settings!”

Modal up on settings page: “Turn timeline on or turn timeline off?” (No indication of current state)

“Timeline now saves data encrypted to your device!” (Ok I guess)

Another modal popup: “Backup your timeline data to the cloud?”


In an attic

On the floor

The grandchildren sit

And scroll through

All the pictures

On a phone

As they look

At a life

Frame by frame

“I can not

Believe he did

All these things”

John Burwell aka deet shared a month ago
John Burwell aka deet shared a month ago

You have two tacos and two 2-oz. containers of salsa. Do you:

  • Open each new salsa for each new taco; unused salsa remains in each container (Mirror) 0% (0 votes)

  • Use first salsa across multiple tacos, until it is exhausted, before moving to second salsa (Span) 0% (0 votes)

  • Distribute salsa usage from both containers on both tacos, once per bite (Stripe RAID-3) 0% (0 votes)

  • Arbitrary assignments of salsa to taco (Just a Bunch of Salsas) 100% (1 votes)

Well well well, if it isn’t a priceless working NEC Multisync II picked up at an estate sale for $20

At last my ancient Colortran Prestige 2000 Plus has eyes again!

Modern alternatives to oval:

  • Pill
  • Roundrect
  • Hexagon
  • Yellow triangle at odd angle
  • Purple gradient
  • Hover
  • Apple

Legit trying to think of a decent oval.

  • Ford logo: Bleh
  • Generic supermarket product labels in education filmstrips: Gag
  • Standardized test multiple-choice bubbles: What? fuck off
  • Frisbee, viewed at an angle: ACTUALLY A CIRCLE, DUMBASS
John Burwell aka deet shared a month ago
John Burwell aka deet shared a month ago

I mean it’s like, ew, this circle isn’t well

Honestly I’ve never trusted ovals

What I value converting in this space is consuming content in this space that speaks to this space and what’s being carved out in this space for creator bets in this space

It’s a go-forward value proposition play in this space

I’m glad we never got to find out whether all those nuclear missiles we had sitting around also had things like failing engines and helium leaks and weird sounds

Either we were much better at rockets back then, or we’ve actually been shit at it this whole time