We have all these new video conferencing systems and not a single one that can finish a call and then put a big “END TRANSMISSION” on the screen with some kind of friendly but subtly ominous logo
All of human culinary history can be told in the stories of struggle — the desperate quest of each new recipe — to find any meal of bread and cheese with sauce not unworthwhile to eat without ranch dressing
It's all fun and games until something wants to build OpenSSL from source
I want to configure my Cisco 2520 for #GlobalTalk … I see some have done it… anyone have notes? Thanks!
The new Siri has the voice of a late night local radio ad for a strip club
Or at least at this hour she does
Daypart-aware Siri voice?
Gets all sultry at night. Like, “Mmmmh, some accessories in the kitchen did not respondddddddd” and “I’m having trouble with my Internet connection… could you get it back up for me?”
Science tells us that any retrieval of a cup of coffee in proximity to a tiny pastry precipitates a tiny pastry in the coffee-retriever's mouth
If everyone is Chris, then nobody is
“How’s it going at school?” Dabney pauses. He reads the kid’s face in a moment of warm, understanding silence. “Look, kid, it’s been rough. After I get home from work, we can talk about it, just you and me.” He lays his hand on the kid’s shoulder, with a soft, reassuring squeeze. “Come on, champ. It’s time to go. Finish up your gravy”
The ghost of Dabney Coleman appears to give you earnest, worldly advice from The Great Beyond. He calls you “kid” and “champ.” He’s on the lookout for ghost communists
Mind if I meme?
Cool new anti pattern at Nextdoor: provide three opt-out switches for each of dozens of notification options, but don’t offer an “unsubscribe from all” option until you try to delete your account. Serious innovation right there. “Fuck you, customer! I mean, don’t leave me, I can change! I promise!”
The Atlantic, this is a story for another time.
Fucking hell, I wish I could give a shit about LED CRI this week.
Drunkenly slapping your own drink out of your own hand is a game of SKILL, NOT chance
And is therefore suitable for wagering
“If #TikTok getting banned does not radicalize you as an American citizen, you are deliberately missing the point”
What is a good web site for news about which news web sites are good
What if at the end of this song, get this:
We play a little bit of Jingle Bells!
We keep it in the same key, just a few notes
People will LOVE IT
Techno gizmos be all like, “beep beep beep beep beep! You’ve got mail! KABOOM”
In light of recent events, I feel obligated to continue everything I am doing now, for better or worse. You’re welcome and/or I’m sorry.
Where is the Warner Brothers athleisure collection? Universal? Whose brand of spandex is in your stores? Disney’s eating your lunch as usual, rest-of-the-media-property-marketing-industry. Get on athleisure rfn goddammit
I may never have brutalized a hypervisor so viciously and mercilessly as by trying to run Windows installations in two guests at the same time
After this, I will have to confirm I haven't literally destroyed a pair of SSDs