Don’t you “Hey there! 👋” me! I will engage or not as I damn well please

drier = more dry

dryer = machine that dries

dryeur = french guy who wipes you down

Yeah well I just replaced the drain pump in my own washing machine, so I’m not sweating it, either

John Burwell aka deet shared 1 year, 2 months ago

If you want to come on here to “remind” me of things, start with what I was supposed to do today

If Fritos and tortilla chips are both made of corn, milled and fried, then frito pie is basically nachos

But what about the rights of prices?

A good web page to click on is

Here’s a brief history of paper fasteners:

You’re welcome

Reminder: get off the damn Internet

How did this restaurant get the James Beard award when nothing on this menu is flavor blasted

Wow, Lower Decks referenced these Lightolier dichroic rainbow sconces, in the background of one of the TV shows on Ferenginar.

But now I can’t remember what episodes they originally appeared in! Was it TNG or DS9?


John Burwell aka deet shared 1 year, 3 months ago

I’ve done more before breakfast than usually I do all day

Mostly just cos I haven’t had breakfast

I’m saying I want breakfast

I regularly get trust threat reports but where do I sign up for thrust treat reports

I wanna be

Your normal hammer

When is someone at a dinner party finally going to “get me” about Cats (2019)?????

What would the Klingon Warbird IT guy do

All these in-app pop-ups about new features and whatever… can I just get them all at once in a daily digest instead of interminably throughout my day

A figure in the ANSI TIA 606-D document refers to “legacy thicknet” and now I’m all misty